Thursday 17 April 2014

Cut and Come Again Cake

I believe it’s always nice to have cake or biscuits available at the weekends, especially when family and friends could be visiting, and with Easter upon us, what better reason to bake this yummy fruit cake.

The Cut and Come Again Cake, recipe from Mary Berry, from Mary Berry’s Baking Bible is simple and I love simple recipes. I was passed this recipe from Charlotte, as its a regularly requested cake in her household. As you can see from the photo, I believe I may have left it a bit too long in the oven as it came out slightly on the dry side however it was still tasty and all eaten the following day after baking the night before.

What was good about it is you can put all the ingredients in all together, mix and pour into a greased deep tin; ingredients were changed slightly from original recipe: 350g self raising flour, 1 1/2tsp mixed spice, 175g butter, 175g muscovado sugar, 3 large eggs, 375g dried fruit and 3 tbsp milk - I added a little extra cinnamon and also sprinkled some sugar on top before going in to the oven (180oC/ Fan 160oC/ Gas 4) for just under 1 1/2 hours, though I recommend checking after an hour. I think next time, as there will definitely be a next time, I would just go for all sultanas as I’m not a big fan of currants but this recipe is so easy, you can really play around with it.

Catherine x

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