Friday 18 April 2014

Happy Easter!

Hi, it’s Catherine again - here with a quick review on Easter Biscuits, another recipe from the one and only Mary Berry, found on the BBC Food site; for recipe click here. I must admit I recently made these biscuits for Mother’s day, as I wanted to make a batch of simple biscuits that I could bag up to be given as presents and these looked great.

The recipe was pretty easy and I managed to make more than what was stated. I only made one change which was swapping the currants for sultanas (for personal taste).  For the ones iced, I didn’t have a piping bag so spread the icing with a knife (that’s why there’s some lumps) - They looked great in a little bag, tied with ribbon and went down a treat.

Happy Easter everyone, we'll be back after the weekend with recipes and ideas for a Spring picnic!


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